Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
This policy emphasizes our CMS Group corporate social responsibility principles as well as the importance and priority of this subject for our administration, employees and all our partners.
CMS Group accepts to act with consciousness in all social responsibility activities as one of the main and unchangeable elements of the management approach as a part of its values and principles. Within this framework, we expect all our companies that form CMS Group to manage the economic, social, and environmental effects in their activities within sense of responsibility and to prioritize the development of the society in their agenda. We determine our social responsibility understanding and our priorities regarding this subject by considering the best for the society and the environment. We pay attention to take a leading role in the activities concerning the protection of the democracy, human rights and the environment. As CMS Group, our Business Ethics Manual, which we prepared under the guidance of our Corporate Social Responsibility Principles, leads us in our way of doing business.
CMS Group which believes that corporate social responsibility principles are among the essential necessities of sustainability, considers providing value for the society it lives in as one of its main responsibilities and in this regard, it carries out activities of social responsibility and sponsorship in many different areas from education to sports, from environment to art.
Our main principles of our social responsibility activities are as follows;
CMS Group Corporate Social Responsibility Principles
1. Human Rights
We respect the Human Rights. Our company implements a zero-tolerance policy against forced or compulsory labor, slavery, and human trafficking in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, and all relevant national laws. This policy applies to all our operations including our supply chain. Suppliers should structure their business practices to safeguard and respect human rights and privacy. They are expected to adhere to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We provide regular training on human rights to our employees, ensuring that everyone is informed about their rights and responsibilities. We treat everyone equally and fairly. We act responsibly towards the tradition and culture of Turkey and the countries in which we operate, and we comply with all the legal regulations.
We do not discriminate in any aspect of employment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, or other characteristics. We don’t accept the discrimination in language, race, color, sex, political opinion, faith, religion, age, physical disability or other similar characteristics in the corporation.
We, as CMS, believe that all our employees have the right to work in a healthy and safe environment in working conditions complying with human dignity. Our employees are our most valuable assets, and our primary business goal is to ensure and protect the safety of our employees.
We believe that our human resources unit is the most important element of the sustainable growth. Full and accurate performance of the personal rights of our employees are implied. We are honest and fair in our relations with our employees and ensure a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy working environment.
2. Working Conditions
2.a. Ethical Recruitment
We are committed to ethical recruitment practices that reflect our fair, inclusive, and respectful workplace. Our recruitment process is guided by the principles of transparency, equality, and integrity. We provide open communication channels where candidates can ask all their questions and provide feedback about their experiences during the recruitment process. Conducting such surveys about their recruitment experiences allows our candidates to have clear information about the process and contributes to the future development of our processes. After collecting applications for our open positions through various job portals, we get in touch with our candidates via phone calls and organize our interviews. Depending on the results of the interviews, we continue our process with application of necessary tests and carry our candidates for reference checks and offer stages. We ensure that all candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, experience, and potential, without any form of discrimination. We strictly adhere to all relevant labour laws and regulations to protect the rights and dignity of each applicant. We also prioritize the well-being and development of our employees by offering fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for career growth. We communicate job descriptions, task distributions, performance, and reward criteria to our employees. In determining the wages and other rights provided to employees, we pay attention to their contributions and impact on the company’s goals. To the greatest extent possible, we integrate the latest digitalization processes into our recruitment steps, ensuring that our practices are compatible with the latest trends in the industry.
2.b. Prevention of Child Labor
Child workers cannot work at any stage of production. The enterprises must comply with the age limit prescribed in the practices of ILO on child labor. This age limit must not be under the age of the children who are at the end of their compulsory education and must not be under 15 years of age in any circumstances. However, in countries where economical and educational opportunities are less developed, a lower age limit is applicable. In such countries the age limit is 14.
2.c. Modern Slavery
Modern slavery addresses all forms of exploitation, including forced labor and child labor. To prevent the risks associated with modern slavery, our company enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy toward any violations. We implement fair and transparent policies during recruitment processes, ensure that employees work under safe and fair conditions with their free will and uphold ethical standards. We do not force any employee to work under physical, economic, psychological, or social pressure.
2.d. Wages and Social Services, Working Hours
Wages and social services, minimum wage, overtime, and other social services mandated by law shall be determined in accordance with the related applicable basic principles. Working hours must comply with the applicable laws. Overtime should be done only in cases where the employee volunteers for it and the employee should be given the right to have at least 1 day off after 6 consecutive working days.
2.e. Right to Work Freely
Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited. The employees should be entitled to terminate the employment contract within an appropriate time frame.
2.f. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
We are deeply committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace where each individual feels valued and respected. We believe that diversity which encompasses a wide range of characteristics including gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, education level, and socioeconomic background enriches our company. We implement proactive strategies to attract and promote talent from diverse backgrounds by ensuring that our recruitment and promotion processes encourage the inclusion of individuals with varied experiences and skills. When recruitment and career planning are conducted, we adopt the principle of providing equal opportunities to individuals under equal conditions. No lower wages can be determined for the same or equal value work based on gender. Equity is at the core of our operations as well. We make sure that every employee has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. We offer fair wages and benefits based on objective criteria such as job requirements, market conditions, and individual performance, and we maintain transparent and fair performance evaluation processes to support employee growth and development. Alongside with diversity and equity principles, Inclusivity is embedded in our corporate culture, where we encourage the free expression of individuality and actively involve employees in decision-making processes. We provide a safe and supportive work environment, with zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying. Through continuous education and awareness programs, we promote understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and collaboration across all levels of our organization.
2.g. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Our employees should be able to discuss frequently the working conditions with the management without fear of its consequences of any kind. We support the effective recognition of the freedom of association, the right to unionize, and the right to collective bargaining. They have the right to become a member of labor union, to delegate and to be elected as a representative. We believe in empowering our employees and fostering a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.
2.h. Health and Safety
CMS provides the safety of employees and the protection of their health at work at least within the legal framework and it will work continuously to improve the business environment. We allocate essential technical, financial, and human resources to ensure a safer and healthier working environment, while minimizing losses at every stage of raw material selection, production, and service activities.
We identify hazards and risks, evaluate and control them, ensure the continuity of protective measures. We perform necessary periodic maintenance and tests. We ensure the safety and health of employees in the workplace, complying with national regulations and supporting continuous improvement to enhance the work environment. We provide employees with informational and health training about identified hazards and risks in occupational safety and keep necessary records. Employees' opinions are considered to ensure their safety. Within the scope of workplace safety and worker health, we appoint responsible individuals as per legislation. It is mandatory to provide process-specific personal protective equipment for employees in accordance with the legislation.
2.i. Use of Public and Private Security Forces
We are committed to protecting our employees from physical, mental, and emotional abuse within the company. We ensure a safe and respectful work environment. To safeguard the health and safety of our employees and anyone present in our workplaces, we meticulously adhere to all legal requirements and go beyond by implementing best practices in occupational health and safety. We regularly review and update our safety protocols to ensure a hazard-free working environment. Private security services are provided within our facilities in a manner that respects the dignity, privacy, and reputation of every individual, in line with our commitment to ethical conduct and respect for human rights. We also take stringent measures to protect the personal information of our employees, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law. Our data protection practices are regularly reviewed and enhanced to ensure the highest standards of confidentiality and security.
3. Business Ethics
3.a. Prevention corruption
The highest level of integrity is expected in all the business activities and relations. Any kind of corruption, bribery, blackmail, and abuse is strictly forbidden.
CMS will not tolerate trading money or gifts for influencing the behavior of another person, organization, politician, government officer or authority to ensure any commercial and personal interests under any circumstances. The bribery will not be allowed even in countries where bribery is tolerated.
3.b. Eliminating discrimination
Exercising discrimination on the employees regardless of its kind is prohibited. Putting people into a disadvantageous position because of their sex, race, social group where they belong, color, disability, labor union, political view, origin, religion, age, pregnancy will also be considered as discrimination.
3.c. Harassment
Any kind of violence such as verbal, written, physical against employees is strictly prohibited. In any case, physical or psychological pressure is not acceptable. All our employees are expected to avoid this kind of behavior.
3.d. Communication and Prevention of Ethical Violations
We ensure that employees can safely report any human rights violations, acts of misconduct, corruption, and discrimination. To that end, we have established the 'Ethics Line' with communication channels accessible to all our employees [email protected] and +902123710770.
4. Environment
We responsibly manage the environmental impacts that may arise as a result of any of our activities. All our companies are obliged to determine and implement any kind of improvement and development activities which will reduce the environmental impacts of their activities pertaining to their activity areas. In our company, ‘ISO 14001 Environment Management System’ is applied.
CMS aims the sustainability together with an effective environment management system by providing the necessary technical, financial, and human resources in order to reach the principles and targets concerning the environment during raw material selection and in every stage of the production and service activities. For this goal;
- To meet all the expectations of all associated parties related to work processes affecting environmental management system and all legal requirements regarding environment,
- To assess the environmental impacts directly or indirectly affected by our organization with a risk oriented approach,
- By analyzing our ecological impacts throughout the value chain; To reduce our environmental impacts on water, soil, air, land use, biodiversity and raw materials, and to turn our impact on the environment into a positive one by developing policies against deforestation,
- To ensure animal welfare throughout all our activities, we pay close attention to our processes,
- To take responsibility for consequences related to waste management and environmental impacts in the context of our environmental management system,
- To achieve the goals regarding environmental management system that we planned and to provide the funds for the encouragement of continuous development of it,
- To reduce our Carbon Footprint with the awareness that climate change can have direct and indirect long-term effects on our production activities and supply chain, we determine our Greenhouse Gas Reduction strategies in line with our greenhouse gas calculations and reduce our carbon footprint,
- Aware of our responsibility for the health of people and our natural life, we aim to reduce VOC emissions and environmental noise,
- To work within the scope of energy efficiency and to consider renewable energy opportunities,
- To reduce water consumption by using water resources effectively,
- To produce in a way which has a minimal effect in the air and water quality during our activities,
- To use technical and financial facilities to sort wastes at the source, to conduct studies to decrease the use of natural resources and to monitor and control results of such measurement efforts in order to prevent pollution and protect the environment,
- To make production with least harm to the environment with the processes of selection, usage and waste of chemicals with awareness of chemical management responsibility,
- To provide all necessary resources like trainings, information, etc. to ensure participation of all interested parties in our Environmental Management System and to incentivize such interested parties by rewarding their participation,
- To focus on the usage of recyclable materials in scope of life-long cycle approach and to prioritize the usage of materials that are not harmful to the environment,
We expect from our companies to apply the best environmental solutions beyond the legal regulations and to sustain all kinds of initiatives which will help the development and diffusion of eco-friendly technologies and increase environmental awareness.
5. Business Partners (Suppliers & Sub-Suppliers)
To define and apply a Social Responsibility Policy that includes, providing complete and transparent information in the supply processes, respecting human & labor rights in the supply chain and stimulating demand in socially responsible products and services. To that end, it also means taking into account the environmental and social impacts of supplier performance criteria (it is a contractual obligation), which will also serve the title of Responsible Production and Consumption, Article 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
CMS chooses its suppliers based on the guidelines outlined in its Business Partner Handbook, requiring all partners to adhere to these standards. Suppliers must maintain the highest levels of integrity and ensure fair and honest operations throughout the supply chain. CMS companies and its suppliers are committed to responsible corporate behavior, and this includes ensuring the sources that used in products are produced in a manner that meets or goes beyond,
- Applicable laws and regulations (Environment, occupational health and safety, fair competition, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, processing and protection of personal data, labor law, intellectual property rights, etc.),
- Respects human rights,
- Health & safety,
- Business ethics (corruption, extortion and bribery, privacy and data protection, conflicts of interest, whistleblowing, and protection against retaliation)
- Fair competition,
- Protects the environment,
- Legal compliance,
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining,
- Child labor and young workers (shall not be accepted),
- Anti-corruption and anti-money laundering,
- Data Protection and Data Security
- Financial Responsibility/Accurate Records
- Disclosure of Information
- Conflicts of Interest
- Counterfeit Parts
- Intellectual Property
- Export Controls, Trade, and Economic Sanctions
- Grievance Mechanism
- Remediation
- Non-retaliation
- Wages and benefits,
- Working hours,
- Forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking,
- Freely chosen employment,
- Harassment,
- Non-discrimination,
- GHG emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energy
- Water quality and consumption,
- Air quality,
- Sustainable resources management and waste reduction
- Responsible chemical management
and generally, supports the contribution of business to achieving sustainable development.
CMS’s Employees & Suppliers must notify the official reporting channels about the behaviors which they acknowledge or suspect that violate this regulation and whether any violating behaviors are witnessed and/or known, including the ones that are suspicious. CMS prohibits the reprisals that might occur against the reporter of any violation. In the case of non-compliance, CMS Group companies reserve the right to terminate work with suppliers.
Suppliers of CMS should establish a management system for human rights and working conditions that addresses child labor and young workers, wages and benefits, working hours, modern slavery, ethical recruiting, freedom of association and collective bargaining, non-discrimination and harassment, women's rights, diversity, equity, and inclusion, rights of minorities and indigenous peoples, land rights and forced eviction, and the use of private or public security forces.
Responsibility and Application
In our corporation, all our managers and employees are responsible for the corporate social responsibility applications.
CMS employees and or partners must notify the official reporting channels about the behaviors which they acknowledge or suspect that violate this regulation. CMS prohibits the reprisals that might occur against the reporter of any violation.